
Insurance Planning

“Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.”

– Winston Churchill

Insurance Planning

Wealth Management incorporates a plan to responsibly grow, protect and pass on one’s wealth. In football it is often said in the coaching arena that the best offense is a strong, fortified defense. This is critical to structuring the best financial plans when designing an investment strategy.

Insurance serves many purposes in portfolio construction to mitigate surprises such as unexpected death, illness, or loss of income. Life insurance can replace not only income but be an appropriate estate planning instrument within the portfolio to mitigate the future tax burden. Tax laws are in constant flux and changing so we monitor those especially for our affluent clients.

Long Term Care is the single largest threat to the stability of a portfolio and with the likelihood of over 60% chance of requiring some form of care, it goes without question that we must address and discuss how to pay for that need BEFORE it arises. Asset Based plans where we utilize a lump sum asset within the portfolio are more common these days than the traditional model of paying annual premiums.

Medicare and prescription drug costs are a fundamental part of every retiree’s insurance scenario and at 360 Capital Management we dedicated specialists within our office to help guide you in your choices between Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement coverage as well as Part D (prescription drug coverage).

We will conduct a comprehensive analysis of all existing insurance to determine if coverages are appropriate, sufficiently funded, and whether better options exist in the brokerage market for exchanges that could supply more coverage for lower rates or the possibility of eliminating future premiums.


Investment advisory services offered through Brookstone Capital Management, LLC (BCM), a registered investment advisor. BCM and 360 Capital Management are independent of each other. Insurance products and services are not offered through BCM but are offered and sold through individually licensed and appointed agents. For a complete description of investment risks, fees and services, review the BCM firm brochure (ADV Part 2A) which is available from your Investment Advisor Representative or by contacting BCM.
The content of this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation or recommendation of any investment strategy. Investments and/or investment strategies involve risk including the possible loss of principal. There is no assurance that any investment strategy will achieve its objectives.

Registered Investment Advisors and Investment Advisor Representatives act as fiduciaries for all of our investment management clients. We have an obligation to act in the best interests of our clients and to make full disclosure of any conflicts of interests, if any exist. Please refer to our firm brochure, the ADV 2A page 4, for additional information.

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